Make Sure You’re Protected

Anti-Virus & Internet Security
Do you have a virus or malware on the computer and need help removing it? Do you know how to keep hackers from your computer? We offer protection from the thousands of computer viruses, worms and spyware waiting to attack.

System Maintenance & Security
Is the computer or smart device slow online? We diagnose and repair your computer and your network. What steps do you do to securely bank online, and are you set up to be alerted? We secure your system and your network.

Personal Computer Shopper
Do you need help choosing from the many options when upgrading to a new computer or smart device? We help you choose the BEST solution for your home or small office.

PC / Smart Device Set-Up & Training
Do your retired parents need help with a computer or smart device? We help you get comfortable with your computer, printer, iPad tablet, and your smartphone.

Data Backup & Recovery
Are you backing up your computer to the cloud and is it safe? Protect valuable data, photos, financial records and ALL files with reliable cloud-based storage.

Wireless Networking
Need to access your router from another room, an outbuilding or barn? We can run WiFi up to 5-miles (line of sight) for device access or to add security cameras.
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